Understanding light harvesting and charge separation in molecular systems

Our research

We use theoretical approaches such as Time Dependent Density Functional Theory, structural characterization by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, and optical spectroscopy to understand the journey of photo-induced charges in organic and hybrid materials.

We have two main projects ongoing:

i. Design, synthesis and characterization of molecular systems for light harvesting and charge separation, funded by FAPESP;

ii. Design of upconversion and persistent luminescence nanocomposites: from fundamentals to applications in energy conversion and storage, funded by CNPq;

We have fellowships available for Undergrad, Master and PhD students. You can take part in the Physics Program or the Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials Program.

See our featured publications below and complete list in the link

Our PhD and Master projects are delineated in the Projects

Join our team!

Screened optimally tuned range separated hybrid functional for solvated low bandgap molecular systems


J. Chem. Phys. 161, 034109 (2024);

Reinaldo V. Dantas Filho, and Thiago B. de Queiroz

Relaxation Processes in Rare-Earth-Doped α-NaYF4 Nanoparticles by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article ASAP (2023);

Ali F. García Flores, Julian Munevar, Marcos de Oliveira Junior, Carlos Rettori, Ricardo R. Urbano, and Thiago B. de Queiroz

Preparation and Characterization of a Disilylated Naphthalenediimide Molecular Crystal: Perspectives for Organosilica Mesoporous Materials


ACS Appl. Eng. Mater. 2024;

Renan Gabriel de Assis, Marcos de Oliveira Junior, Márcia Tsuyama Escote, Carlos Basílio Pinheiro, José Javier Sáez Acuña, Fabio Furlan Ferreira, Luana Sucupira Pedroza, Sergio Brochsztain, and Thiago Branquinho de Queiroz



Tel.: 0055-11-4996-8356

Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas
Bloco A Sala 608 – 3
Universidade Federal do ABC
Av. dos Estados 5001
Santo André – SP, 09210-580 Brasil